The moment you take yourself as your body, You suffer from individuality.
Your self-awareness is under siege which is experienced as the sense of loneliness.
Missing the reality of the self is as good as losing it.
What will be in wait for you is the sense of loneliness with yourself, sense of longing is the off
Shoot of it. Sense of longing impels you to belong to the world.
The world of people, the world of things, the world of ideas.
The world out there definitely not meant for you’ to belong’
People are not your ‘property to possess’
Things are not there for you to ‘appropriate’
Sense of belonging creates identified thinking
Identified thinking afflicts you
To live life what we require is only functional thinking
Identified thinking creates disorder
You are now acting like the CEO of your ‘THOUGHT CORPORATION’ and doing everything which does not match with reality and suffer from it
World is meant for you to live
for it’s rich enough to meet your needs
Not meant to plug your loneliness
Not meant to identify with so you can take care of your sense of’ longing’
Living is one thing
Sense of belonging is quite another
Any identification born of this sense of belonging will rob you the infinity of your existence.
You can never settle with anything less than that
That’s why thinking in identification creates sorrow.
Infinity cannot handle your fragmented living
Of identification
You are acting like a child pretending that you are an adult
You have fine tuned your intellect to create technology
Technology creates keys to open the world of multidimensional possibilities.
When you make life out of the world
That life should match with the nature of existence
Otherwise Existence will not be happy with it.
It goes on making you unhappy
For you are thinking in a way which disturbs the ‘infinity ‘of your reality
Sense of belonging and identified thinking go against the infinity of your reality.
The possibility of life is very magical
From sense of ‘loneliness’ you can move to aloneness.
From sense of aloneness to sense of fullness.
People out there are not meant to take care of your loneliness.
The whole story of life is nothing but the story of identification.
You long to belong
Sense of longing continues till you meet yourself.
Loneliness is the first step
Aloneness the second step
Sense of fullness is the final step
The moment you drop your body from your self awareness you start appreciating sense of aloneness
When you understand the nature of the self as complete there is sense of fullness
The epicenter of this transformation is on your “I”
1. In loneliness you suffer from individuality
2. In aloneness your individuality is dropped as the individual survives and continues
3. In fullness the individual is falsified as awareness of existence continues
The ability to have sense of loneliness should be well appreciated, otherwise you cannot explore
the possibility of sense of aloneness much less the possibility of the of fullness with oneself.
The epicenter of your loneliness and fullness is the same. A paradigm shift makes that difference.
If you stretch your sense of loneliness you end up having utter emptiness.
Once you reach that state of emptiness to enjoy the sense of fullness is easy.
Missing yourself creates emptiness. Gaining the the self gives you sense of fullness.
It’s an ‘as though’ gain. Do not forget that!!!