
Swami Dayananda Gurukulam

Swami Dayananda Gurukulam

I have studied under Swamiji Prabodh Chaithanya (affectionally referred to as Swami) during my time at AyurYoga Eco-Ashram in Kannenur, Mysore, India for the 4 weeks 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training.

The sound of bells was our 5h15am wake up call to be ready for Meditation by 6am in the Chakra Hall by the river. I will always remember the first morning when I walked down with Sharon, with sleepy eyes and torches in our hands to follow our path to the Chakras Hall . It was dark and cold, the grass wet from the night’s humidity. Getting closer to the hall we could hear Swami singing mantras and his voice was leading us. We would enter the hall, where other students had already taken their spot to sit and meditate. I found my place, sat down on the pillow and closed my eyes.  Focusing on the breathing and calming my mind and following Swami’s voice and instructions. When I opened my eyes 30 minutes later, the night was gone and a new day was there waiting for us, a day full of new possibilities, new teachings, new experiences. Pure bliss.

Swami was also our Philosophy of Yoga-Vedanta’s Teacher. I loved Swami’s classes, his way, step by step, of building his teachings while explaining the Vedas and stimulating our reasoning and our intelect. So many questions after Swami’s class, so many topics still to study and to deepen…

On his last day of the course Swami shared with us that on top of teaching and doing conferences he runs Swami Dayananda Gurukulam Free Home for Boys in Haripad, Kerala, where children from underprivileged families are given shelter, food and education. I was deeply touched by Swami’s teachings, by his presence and his mission in life and before leaving India I felt that wanted to be on Swami’s path and follow him. How and when and where I did not know yet but I knew that somehow I would figure that out.

I have started collecting money involving my fellow friends and students at Ayuryoga and other friends and family memebers, and we sent a small contribution to the Gurukulam and we are hoping to send again some money by the end of the year.  

I’m planning a trip to India in December to continue my learning and to  volonteer at the Gurukulam by bring my small help to these boys and I would like to discuss with Swami the possibilities to open a Free Home for Girls. As a woman, as a mom of a daughter, it’s my calling to help other girls have the possibility to study and to grow and to dream beyond what our social stautus might be, beyond the fact that being a woman, in many part of the world, is still considered a shame.

Those who would like to volunteer or to support this program with a donation can contact Swami Pradodh via: Prabodh1008@gmail.com or click on the Money Box I have created on Paypal :


If you need more info please email me: olga.gazzola@amorescapes.com